package BaseClass; use strict; our $VERSION = '1.00'; sub new { my $package = shift; my $obj = {}; bless $obj, $package; my $status = $obj->initialize(@_); unless ($status eq "fail") { $obj->set_param("_initialized", 1); return $obj; } } sub ready { my($self) = @_; delete $self->{'_state'}; } sub save { my($self) = @_; #override this with class-specific save code #save code should end with a call to $self->ready() to signal we're up to date $self->ready(); } sub initialize { my($self) = shift @_; $self->{'index'}->{'params'} = 'params'; $self->{'index'}->{'paramtime'} = 'paramtime'; $self->{'index'}->{'data'} = 'data'; $self->{'index'}->{'output'} = 'output'; } sub param { #getter routine - what is a parameter's value? #returns the stored value if called with one parameter #returns a matching array of references to values, if called with several parameters my($self, @fields) = @_; my($v, $field, @values); my $p = $self->{'index'}->{'params'}; if (1{$p}->{$field}; } return @values; } $field = $fields[0]; return unless $field; return unless exists $self->{$p}->{$field}; if (exists $self->{$p}->{$field}) { $v = $self->{$p}->{$field}; if (wantarray) { if (ref($v) eq "HASH") { return %{$v}; } elsif (ref($v) eq "ARRAY") { return @{$v}; } #else..? How should we return a REF/CODE/GLOB ref when not in scalar context? #What about object references? return ($v); } return $v; } elsif (wantarray) { return (); } } sub paramtime { #time getter routine - when was a parameter set? #returns the stored value if called with one parameter #returns a matching array of references to values, if called with several parameters my($self, @fields) = @_; my($v, $field, @values); my $p = $self->{'index'}->{'paramtime'}; if (1{$p}->{$field}; } return @values; } $field = $fields[0]; return unless $field; return unless exists $self->{$p}->{$field}; if (exists $self->{$p}->{$field}) { $v = $self->{$p}->{$field}; if (wantarray) { return ($v); } return $v; } elsif (wantarray) { return (); } } sub set_param { #setter routine, which could be better designed #deletes the stored value if called with one parameter #sets to a scalar value if called with two parameters #if the new value is equal to the old, no change happens (and the timestamp isn't updated) #sets to a list value if called with more than two parameters - and in that case always updates the timestamp my($self, $field, @values) = @_; return unless $field; my $v; my $p = $self->{'index'}->{'params'}; my $pt = $self->{'index'}->{'paramtime'}; if (@values) { if (1==scalar @values) { if ($self->{$p}->{$field} ne $values[0]) { $self->{$p}->{$field} = $values[0]; $self->{$pt}->{$field} = time(); if (substr($field,0,1) ne "_") { $self->{'_state'} = "changed $field to \"$values[0]\""; } } return $self->{$p}->{$field}; } else { $self->{$pt}->{$field} = time(); $self->{'state'} = "changed"; return $self->{$p}->{$field} = \@values; } } elsif (exists $self->{$p}->{$field}) { delete $self->{$p}->{$field}; $self->{$pt}->{$field} = time(); if (substr($field,0,1) ne "_") { $self->{'_state'} = "changed (deleted) $field"; } } } sub flush { my($self, @what) = shift @_; @what = qw/data output/ unless @what; foreach my $what (@what) { my $section = $self->{'index'}->{$what}; next unless $section; delete $self->{$section}; } } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; my $state = $self->{'_state'}; return unless $state; $self->save(); $state = $self->{'_state'}; return unless $state; return unless $self->param("verbose"); my $id = $self->param("id") || $self->param("method")." on ".$self->param("target")->param("id"); open LOGF, ">>destroy.log"; print LOGF join("\t", time(), $self->{'_state'}, $self, $id), "\n"; close LOGF; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME BaseClass - Perl extension embodying an object with basic getter/setter functions. =head1 SYNOPSIS use BaseClass; #create an object and store some info on it $object = new BaseClass("some identifier"); $object->set_param("answer", 42); #retrieve a parameter print "The answer is: ", $object->param("answer"), "\n"; #when was the parameter set? print "The parameter 'answer' was set at ", $object->paramtime("answer"), "\n"; #when was the object created? print "The object was created at ", $object->paramtime("_initialized"), "\n"; #erase a parameter $object->set_param("answer"); #erase the data to save memory $object->flush("data"); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a Perl module providing a base class that: 1) Has standardized getter/setter functions, including timestamping. 2) Has basic support for states. $self->ready(): signal we're up-to-date $self->save(): called when exiting if we're not up-to-date 3) Has a flush function for releasing memory. Methods to override: initialize(), save() =head2 EXPORT None by default. =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 AUTHOR Gustavo Glusman, EGustavo@SystemsBiology.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008 by Gustavo Glusman This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =cut