ISB Main

ISB Data Access Server

ISB Main Site
ISB Data Site

   VERA and SAM
   Proteomics Toolkit

DB Projects:
   MHC Human Mouse
   Stem Cells Data

DB Interfaces:
   MHC Human Mouse
   Stem Cells Data
   Proteomics Toolkit

ISB Data and Software

Making data and software freely available to the community is critical for the advancement of research. The Institute for Systems Biology is committed to distributing data and software to the public as soon as it is validated. Research results are being made available in a variety of ways: some projects only have raw data downloads; others include a user interface to explore the data without having to download it all.

This site is still under construction. Below are a few projects and interfaces that we have set up to export thus far. More will be coming soon. The Brain Expression Database will become available in early May. Projects not ready to export are only available on the intranet.


Database Interfaces (External Access)

Data Download

  • Supporting data from T. Ideker, V. Thorsson, A. F. Siegel, and L. Hood. Testing for differentially-expressed genes by maximum-likelihood analysis of microarray data Journal of Computational Biology 7 (6) 805-817 (2001).
  • Stem Cells Data: Web supplement for the paper "Differential Gene Expression Profiling of Adult Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cells"

Project Descriptions (External Access)

  • SBEAMS (Systems Biology Experiment Analysis Management System)
  • BIOSAP (Blast Integrated Oligonucleotide Selection Accelerator Package)
  • MAGE-OM/ML (MicroArray Gene Expression - Object Model / Markup Language)
  • VERA and SAM: Finding significant expression differences in DNA microarray data
  • MHC Human Mouse: Comparative Genome Sequence analysis of the Human and Mouse MHC Class III Region
  • Stem Cells Data: Web supplement for the paper "Differential Gene Expression Profiling of Adult Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cells"

Eric Deutsch